2022年10月13日  |  农业基因组学

Highly accurate HiFi reads for gene editing in plants + animals

Gene editing and HiFi sequencing provide fast, reliable solutions that can accelerate the breeding process, modify target genes to improve traits, improve plant resistances to biotic and abiotic stresses and increase plant architecture to better resist climate change.

2022年06月02日  |  农业基因组学

Explore Plant + Animal Microbiology in High Resolution

Bacteria, viruses, and fungi all affect agriculturally important plant and animal species. Accurate HiFi sequencing allows researchers to study microbes and microbial communities in high resolution. Understanding how microbes and microbial communities can impact the health of plants and livestock allows scientists to maximize food production and quality and protect environmental ecosystems.

2022年06月01日  |  微生物测序法

Metagenomics Solutions Guide

Accurate and flexible HiFi solutions for metagenomics and microbiome sequencing allow researchers to study microbes and microbial communities in high resolution without the need for culturing.




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