Sequel II and IIe systems
The Sequel II system provides the advantages of SMRT sequencing and makes it more affordable for all scientists to drive discovery with comprehensive views of genomes and transcriptomes.
The Sequel II system has been recognized for its ability to generate longer reads with greater accuracy and throughput, at a significantly lower cost.
Sequel II and IIe SMRT Link v10.1 and instrument control software (ICS) v10.1 release (April 2021)
Now available for download is our latest SMRT Link v10.1 and instrument control software (ICS) v10.1, compatible with our Sequel II and IIe system family of instruments. Updated and new features include:
- Improved application-centric sample setup and run design
- Incorporation of our new HiFiViral for SARS-CoV-2 analysis application
- Updates to the Iso-Seq analysis application for multiplexed samples
All Sequel systems v9.0 software release (July 2020)
Now available for download is our latest SMRT Link v9.0 software compatible with our Sequel system family of instruments. Updated and new features include:
- CCS analysis is 15–20% faster
- Enhanced analysis applications — microbial assembly and base modification analysis, and support for the new ultra-low DNA input protocol
- GUI support for up to 10,000 multiplexed samples
- Sequel II system compatible only
- Traceability of experimental data through SMRT Link application requires upgrade to Sequel II ICS v9.0
Sequel II System 2.0 Chemistry and v8.0 Software Release (October 2019)
The Sequel II system 2.0 release features major improvements to system performance through our 2.0 consumables, SMRT Cell 8M, Sequel ICS v8.0, and SMRT Link v8.0. Combined, these enhancements make SMRT sequencing more efficient and affordable.
With this release we have improved average read lengths up to 50% which allows you to generate more HiFi data per SMRT Cell 8M and enables:
- Sequencing of larger inserts (15–20 kb) to support de novo assembly applications with HiFi data
- High precision and recall for variant detection with fewer SMRT Cells per sample by using ~15 kb HiFi reads
- Characterization of a whole transcriptome in a single SMRT Cell 8M and increased detection of long isoforms
- Multiplexing two samples per SMRT Cell 8M for structural variant detection
- Multiplexing up to 48 microbial samples per SMRT Cell 8M for de novo assembly
Sequel system
Originally released in 2015, Sequel system has made the benefits of SMRT sequencing accessible to the life science community.
Below are the most recent releases for this system.
Sequel systems v10.1 software release (April 2021)
Now available for download is our latest SMRT Link v10.1 software compatible with our Sequel system family of instruments. This release brings the SMRT Link v10.0 features to all Sequel system customers. These include:
- Optional full workflow cloud integration
- Our latest genome assembly application
Sequel systems v9.0 software release (July 2020)
Now available for download is our latest SMRT Link v9.0 software compatible with our Sequel system family of instruments. Updated and new features include:
- CCS Analysis is 15–20% faster
- Enhanced analysis applications — microbial assembly and base modification analysis, and support for the new ultra-low DNA input protocol
- GUI support for up to 10,000 multiplexed samples
- Sequel II system compatible only
- Traceability of experimental data through SMRT Link application requires upgrade to Sequel II ICS v9.0
Sequel system 8.0 chemistry release (January 2020)
Don’t compromise read length for accuracy when you can have both.
- Up to 500,000 long (1–20 kb), single-molecule reads with highly accurate (99% accuracy) for amplicon and RNA sequencing projects
- Up to 20 Gb per SMRT Cell 1M with average read lengths up to 30 kb and achieve high consensus accuracies (99.99%) for whole genome sequencing projects