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Featured Documentation

This Featured Documentation page provides the latest and most frequently used guides, protocols (procedures & checklists), and product information. See Other Documentation for product inserts, safety data sheets (SDS) and more.

11 6 月, 2024

SMRT Link Release Notes v13.1

  • Release Notes
  • Sequel II System:Sequel IIe System, Revio system
  • Sequencing


Release notes for SMRT Link v13.1
5 4 月, 2024

SMRT Link User Guide v13.1

  • Guide
  • Sequel II System:Sequel IIe System, Revio system
  • Sequencing, Analysis


This document describes how to use SMRT Link software from PacBio. SMRT Link is the web-based end-to-end workflow manager for Revio, Sequel II, and Sequel IIe systems.
5 4 月, 2024

SMRT Tools Reference Guide v13.1

  • Guide
  • Sequel II System:Sequel IIe System, Revio system
  • Sequencing


This document describes the command-line tools included with SMRT Link v13.1
12 3 月, 2024

SMRT Link User Guide v13.0

  • Guide
  • Sequel II System:Sequel IIe System, Revio system
  • Sequencing, Analysis


This document describes how to use SMRT Link software from PacBio. SMRT Link is the web-based end-to-end workflow manager for Revio, Sequel II, and Sequel IIe systems.
4 1 月, 2024

Procedure & checklist – Preparing multiplexed amplicon libraries using SMRTbell prep kit 3.0

  • Procedure & Checklist
  • Revio system, Sequel II System:Sequel IIe System
  • Library Preparation


This procedure describes the workflow for constructing amplicon libraries using the SMRTbell prep kit 3.0 for sequencing on PacBio® Revio™, Sequel® II, and IIe systems. Amplicons may be indexed during PCR, or during library preparation with SMRTbell indexed adapters.
8 3 月, 2023

Operations guide – Revio system

  • Guide
  • Revio system
  • Sequencing


This guide explains how to operate the Revio system. For information on instrument settings, sample setup, run design, user management, and Admin users, see the SMRT Link (v12.0) user guide.
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