
Improving long-read assembly of microbial genomes and plasmids

Author(s): Sovic, Ivan and Kronenberg, Zev and Dunn, Christopher and Drake, James and Wong, Joan and Browne, Dan and Ashby, Meredith

Complete, high-quality microbial genomes are very valuable across a broad array of fields, from environmental studies, to human microbiome health, food pathogen surveillance, etc. Long-read sequencing enables accurate resolution of complex microbial genomes and is becoming the new standard. Here we report our novel Microbial Assembly pipeline to facilitate rapid, large-scale analysis of microbial genomes. We sequenced a 48-plex library with one SMRT Cell 8M on the Sequel II System, demultiplexed, then analyzed the data with Microbial Assembly.

Organization: PacBio, Assembly Bio
Year: 2020

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